20s - 40s Class
- Couple and/or singles are welcome to join this Sunday School Class. Class began in September of 2017.
Alma’s Class—CoEd
- This class explores the Bible one book at a time.
- It is a systematic and comprehensive study of both the New and Old Testaments.
Covenant Class—CoEd
- This class is an in-depth Bible exposition and life application Bible study with probing questions and commentary.
Bessie DuBose & Bomar/Faith Ladies Class
- This class provides an insightful, informative Bible study to help ensure a lively and spirited class study.
- This class encourages members to incorporate the truths of the Scriptures into their personal lives while renewing and refreshing their personal relationships with God.
Men’s Fellowship Class
- This class engages men of all ages in life-changing Bible study and leads them to adopt a biblical worldview in their lives.
Women on Missions (wMu)
- What is wMu? In 1888, a handful of women dedicated to the cause of missions founded Women’s Missionary Union. Throughout its history, wMu has been an auxillary to the Southern Baptist Convention, which means that it acts as a “helper” to the SBC.
- WMU Vision Statement: wMu challenges Christian believers to understand and be radically involved in the mission of God.
For more information, contact Alma Holston, WMU Director.
Men on Mission
- A Baptist Men on Mission unit is a church-based, Southern Baptist adult mission education organization for men ages 18 and up. As a member of a Baptist Men on Mission unit, men commit to the following:
- Seek one’s place in God’s mission of reconciliation,
- Adjust one’s life by gaining skills and understandings that make one more effective in the mission,
- Use one’s mission skills in personal mission fields where one lives and works, and
- Partner with other Christians to fulfill the Great Commission around the world.
For more information please contact our church office